The Carnivorous Plant FAQ Field Trip Report -

Eastern Oregon carnivores in 2006

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Stepped pools:
Isn't this a cool place? This was pretty high up the canyon, in a gently sloping area almost completely lacking in vascular plant life. Here is another photograph of these pools, looking upslope. Despite the fact that this water was fed by a snow-field, refreshing myself with a few quick disrobed dips into the frigid pools was impossible to resist. As this is a family-friendly web site, don't expect to see any photographs of that. (Although I note that the water was so cold, it would have been necessary to use my macrophotography gear if I intended to document naughty body parts.)

I liked this area a great deal. Unfortunately, there were no Pinguicula, so after my swimming I picked my way down to the to the waterfall at the base of the canyon.

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Revised: October 2007
©Barry Rice, 2005