The Carnivorous Plant FAQ Field Trip Report -

Being Stupid in Ontario in 2003

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Sarracenia purpurea subsp. purpurea f. heterophylla!
There it was, the first clearly, truly anthocyanin-free plant I found on the trip. Since I knew there were possibly more of those "veinless" mimics around, I spent a while carefully checking this plant out before I declared it to be the real deal. Excellent! It is so strange looking, compared to the normally pigmented plants it grows with.

So let's see--my trip took about 3/4 day to drive from my Ottawa hotel to the bogs; I was up before dawn so I could bog at two sites during daylight hours; then in the evening and into the night I raced back to Ottawa. Was it worth it? You betcha!

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Revised: October 2007
©Barry Rice, 2005