The Carnivorous Plant FAQ Field Trip Report -

Dodging Montana bears in 2006

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The site was a sedge wetland that looked like it probably had a circumneutral pH. State and Federal ecologists and botanists working the area told me the sedges were Carex livida, C. interior, C. limosa, and C. lasiocarpa. Furthermore, they informed me that they classified the site as a glacial depression which is now a saturated bottom fen, with silty soils derived from argillite and quartzite parent materials.

Where the sedges were less common, the cold mud was deeper and more treacherous, so we traveled carefully. Some areas had seen recent deep disturbance, as if a large animal had been mucking around. Perhaps a moose?

Almost immediately upon starting some transects across the fen we noticed small specimens of Utricularia minor in the frigid muck. They were smaller than the large plants we had seen at Glacier, but shared the interesting, flattened leaf trait.

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Revised: January 2008
©Barry Rice, 2005